Saturday, 11 July 2015

Interviews Are Here

It began with an orientation so full of adrenaline that its effects can still be felt a week later, as the campus was flooded with First Year students, ready to sell their soul to Kaleidoscope. Interviews began this week, and the turnout has been overwhelming for every single one of them. In the words of a Marketing coordinator, “Shit just got real”.

Even hours of waiting and what seems like buckets of sweat couldn’t dampen their spirits as the FYs thronged the corridors eager to show off their talents. While some prepared answers in their heads, some indulged in a little gossip about the festival itself. The EC looked on with affection as senior coordinators tried their best to grill the newcomers, who proceeded to answer every question confidently.

The Den, dressed in as much bling as is possible with 20 posters, has also come alive again, standing ready to welcome new members of the Workforce with its doors wide open. The coordinators too cannot wait to delegate some of their never ending work to their new teammates, and hopefully go for bonding sessions- a ritual most loved and yet seldom practiced.

So, to the FYs who will soon be joining the Kaleidoscope Workforce, welcome aboard, kids! And don’t forget to go urban, go desi and go beyond.

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