Saturday, 1 August 2015

10 Absolutely True Observations about EC Coord

As the Workforce teeters on the edge of sanity with only a month left for Kaleidoscope (A MONTH, GUYS), the new coordinators are still blissfully unaware of the mildly disturbing amount of possessiveness that the senior Coords harbour towards the fest. As they are still just learning the ropes, EC-Coord can understandably be very intimidating or the most fun ever, depending on how awkward you are, on a scale of 1 to Jennifer Lawrence in the company of other celebrities. So, here are 10 observations about EC-Coord straight from the horse’s (read: new Coord’s) mouth.
      1.     The Workforce has no sense of personal space. At all. Or maybe it’s just the 200 people squished onto one set of stairs. But it’s probably the former.

      2.     Newcomers are children. Babies. We don’t know anything. We can barely communicate in the same language.

      3.     Humiliation is the first step to becoming a part of the team. Fear to embarrassment to familiarity, that’s the cycle.

      4.     People will cheer for you when you introduce yourself. Before, during and after. You won’t know why. They just will.

      5.     They’re all judging you. Especially if what you said was strange. Which it almost definitely will be. Brilliant. (Note from Editor: We SWEAR we’re not judging you, we went through the same thing and we love you. It’s just our faces.)

      6.     Open-ended opinionated questions are an important part of getting to know someone. An example: Do you squeeze toothpaste out from the bottom or the top? (Right answer is from the bottom. Don’t be a weirdo.)

      7.     The other important part of getting to know a person is awkward, uncoordinated and random dancing. Whether you like it or not.

      8.     There’s an unreasonable amount of excitement. Constantly. For no reason. Seriously, people would clap if the EC so much as exhales.

      9.     Eventual acceptance of the fact that you are not likely to remember the names of any of your team members is a must.

      10.  People will go BOOM SNAP CLAP, BOOM BOOM SNAP CLAP, HEY, KSCOPE! Out of nowhere and you will have no idea what to with your hands. But don’t worry, you’ll learn eventually.

Welcome, new Coordinators! It’s going to be one hell of a journey. 

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